Response Options to “Histologic Type”
___ Hydatidiform mole, invasive
___ Choriocarcinoma
___ Placental site trophoblastic tumor
___ Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor
___ Malignant trophoblastic tumor, type cannot be determined
___ Other histologic type not listed (specify): ____________________________
Response Options to “Other Tissue/Organ Involvement” (select all that apply)
Note: Any organ not selected is either not involved or was not submitted.
___ Not applicable
___ Not identified
___ Right ovary
___ Left ovary
___ Ovary (side not specified)
___ Right fallopian tube
___ Left fallopian tube
___ Fallopian tube (side not specified)
___ Vagina
___ Right broad ligament
___ Left broad ligament
___ Broad ligament (side not specified)
___ Other organs/tissue (specify): ________________
___ Cannot be determined (explain): _________________________