Response Options to "Microscopic tumor extension"
Tumor Extension (select all that apply)
___ No evidence of primary tumor
___ Carcinoma in situ/high-grade dysplasia
___ Tumor limited to ampulla of Vater or sphincter of Oddi
___ Tumor invades beyond sphincter of Oddi (perisphincteric invasion)
___ Tumor invades into duodenal submucosa
___ Tumor invades into muscularis propria of the duodenum
___ Tumor directly invades pancreas up to 0.5 cm
___ Tumor extends more than 0.5 cm into pancreas
___ Tumor extends into peripancreatic soft tissues
___ Tumor extends into periduodenal tissue
___ Tumor extends into duodenal serosa
___ Tumor invades other adjacent organs or structures other than pancreas (specify)#: ______________________