Response Options to “Tumor Location”
__ Entirely above anterior peritoneal reflection
__ Entirely below anterior peritoneal reflection
__ Straddles anterior peritoneal reflection
__ Not specified
Response Options to “Specify type of vascular invasion”
__ Small vessel
__ Large vessel (venous)
__ Intramural
__ Extramural
**Tumor Budding - The presence of single cells or small clusters of less than five cells at the advancing front of the tumor is considered as peritumoral tumor budding.
Response Options to "tumor extension"
___ Cannot be assessed
___ No evidence of primary tumor
___ Carcinoma in situ, intraepithelial; no invasion of lamina propria
___ Intramucosal carcinoma, invasion of lamina propria/muscularis mucosae
___ Tumor invades submucosa
___ Tumor invades muscularis propria
___ Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into pericolorectal tissues
___ Tumor penetrates to the surface of the visceral peritoneum/serosa
___ Tumor is adherent to other organs or structures (specify: _____)
___ Tumor directly invades adjacent structures (specify: _____)
Response Options to "Macroscopic intactness of mesorectum"
___ Not applicable
___ Complete
___ Near complete
___ Incomplete
___ Cannot be determined
Options for treatment effect
Modified Ryan Scheme for Tumor Regression Score47
Description |
Tumor Regression Score |
No viable cancer cells (complete response) |
0 |
Single cells or rare small groups of cancer cells (near complete response) |
1 |
Residual cancer with evident tumor regression, but more than single cells or rare small groups of cancer cells (partial response) |
2 |
Extensive residual cancer with no evident tumor regression (poor or no response) |
3 |