Breast Core Biopsy with Carcinoma                                 
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Breast Core Biopsy with Carcinoma

Histologic type of carcinoma*.........................................................

Histologic grade............................................................................

Total number of cores involved by carcinoma....................................

Maximum length of invasive carcinoma in any core**........................

Calcifications detected microscopically.............................................

Location of calcification(s) if present***..........................................

Receptor studies ordered****.......................................................yes/no

Block used for receptor studies......................................................

* Specify invasive carcinoma (either with or without in situ component) vs. pure in situ carcinoma

** For pure invasive or mixed invasive and in situ carcinoma, list only the maximum length of the invasive carcinoma component.  Do not provide a measurement for pure DCIS.

*** Specify if calcifications are found in benign ducts, DCIS ducts, or invasive carcinoma.  Also, specify which biopsy compartments contain calcifications (correlate with specimen


**** Report as “yes” or “no”.  If not ordered, specify why not (e.g., insufficient invasive carcinoma).  Remember to order estrogen receptor analysis on all newly diagnosed cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).


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