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Peritoneum (SPERR)

- For resection specimens with primary borderline and malignant epithelial tumors and malignant mesothelial neoplasms of the peritoneum.

Specimen and Surgical Procedure

Specimen, procedure.....................................................................

Lymph nodes submitted and/or identified in the specimen................... yes/no


Tumor site...................................................................................

Tumor size...................................................................................

Tumor focality....................................................................... unifocal/multifocal/diffuse

Histologic type..............................................................................

Histologic grade*...........................................................................

* borderline neoplasms and mesotheliomas should not be graded - "not applicable" is the appropriate response for those cases

Involvement of Other Locations

Right ovary**.................................................................................

       If present, tumor size (in 3 dimensions)............................ __ x __ x __ mm

Left ovary**...................................................................................

       If present, tumor size (in 3 dimensions)............................ __ x __ x __ mm

Other (specify:_____)....................................................................

       If present, tumor size (in 3 dimensions)............................ __ x __ x __ mm

No pathologic staging (pTNM) system from the AJCC/UICC is available for primary peritoneal neoplasia

** Please classify involvement of each ovary as one of the following:

- No tumor

- Confined to surface epithelium

- Surface and cortical stroma involvement

- Only ovarian substance involvement

CAP Approved Other • Peritoneum

Bone & Soft Tissue

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