Pathologic Staging (AJCC 8th Edition pTNM)
CAP Approved Genitourinary • Prostate
TNM Descriptors (required only if applicable) (select all that apply)
___ m (multiple primary tumors)
___ r (recurrent)
___ y (posttreatment)
Primary Tumor (pT)
___ Not identified
___ pT2: Organ confined
___ pT3a: Extraprostatic extension or microscopic invasion of bladder neck
___ pT3b: Seminal vesicle invasion
___ pT4: Tumor is fixed or invades adjacent structures other than seminal vesicles such as external sphincter, rectum, bladder, levator muscles, and/or pelvic wall
Note: There is no pathologic T1 classification. Positive surgical margin should be indicated by an R1 descriptor, indicating residual microscopic disease
Regional Lymph Nodes (pN)
___ pNX: Cannot be assessed
___ pN0: No regional lymph node metastasis
___ pN1: Metastasis in regional lymph node or nodes
Distant Metastasis (pM)
___ Not applicable
___ pM1: Distant metastasis
___ pM1a: Nonregional lymph nodes(s)
___ pM1b: Bone(s)
___ pM1c: Other site(s) with or without bone disease
Note: When more than 1 site of metastasis is present, the most advanced category is used. pM1c is most advanced.
Summary of changes AJCC 7th to 8th edition: