Pathologic Staging
CAP Approved Pediatric • Rhabdomyosarcoma
The Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Postsurgical Clinical Grouping System
Note: Clinical information required to definitively assign stage group (eg, gross residual disease or distant metastatic disease) may not be available to the pathologist. Alternatively, this protocol may not be applicable to some situations (eg, group IIIA). If applicable, the appropriate stage group may be assigned by the pathologist.
___ Not applicable
___ Cannot be assessed (see Comment)
Group I
___ A Localized tumor, confined to site of origin, completely resected
___ B Localized tumor, infiltrating beyond site of origin, completely resected
Group II
___ A Localized tumor, gross total resection, but with microscopic residual disease
___ B Locally extensive tumor (spread to regional lymph nodes), completely
___ C Locally extensive tumor (spread to regional lymph nodes), gross total
resection, but microscopic residual disease
Group III
___ A Localized or locally extensive tumor, gross residual disease after biopsy only
___ B Localized or locally extensive tumor, gross residual disease after major
resection (greater than 50% debulking)
Group IV
___ Any size primary tumor, with or without regional lymph node involvement,
with distant metastases, without respect to surgical approach to primary