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Vulva (SVUL)

- For excisional biopsies and resection specimens with invasive carcinoma

Specimen and Surgical Procedure

Specimen, procedure.....................................................................


Tumor site......... (classify as right vulva (labium majus, labium minus), left vulva (labium majus, labium minus), clitoris, etc.)

Tumor size ...................................................................__cm

Tumor focality........................................................................ unifocal/multifocal Histologic type..............................................................................

Histologic grade............................................................................

Depth of invasion (mm; from stromal-epithelial junction)...... __mm

Lymphovascular invasion............... (not identified/present/cannot be determined)

Other tissue/Organ Involvement ………………………………………


Peripheral Margins:

___ Cannot be assessed (explain): ___________________

___ Uninvolved by invasive carcinoma

___ Uninvolved by intraepithelial carcinoma

___ Involved by invasive carcinoma, specify location (s):

___ Involved by high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (VIN 2-3) , specify location (s):

___ Involved by vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, differentiated type, specify location (s):

___ Involved by Paget disease, specify location (s):

Deep Margins:

___ Cannot be assessed (explain): ___________________

___ Uninvolved by invasive carcinoma

___ Uninvolved by intraepithelial carcinoma

___ Involved by invasive carcinoma, specify location (s):

___ Involved by high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (VIN 2-3) , specify location (s):

___ Involved by vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, differentiated type, specify location (s):

___ Involved by Paget disease, specify location (s):

___ No nodes submitted or found

Regional Lymph nodes (inguinal or femoral nodes)

Total Number of nodes examined (sentinel and nonsentinel):

___ Number cannot be determined (explain):___________

Specify site (s):________

Number of sentinel nodes examined:_________

___ Number cannot be determined (explain):___________

Lymph Node Examination

Number of lymph nodes with metastasis 5 mm or greater ___

___ Number cannot be determined (explain): ____________________________

Number of lymph nodes with metastasis less than 5 mm (excludes ITCs) ___

___ Number cannot be determined (explain): ____________________________

Number of lymph nodes with isolated tumor cells (ITCs, 0.2 mm or less) ___

___ Number cannot be determined (explain): ____________________________

Specify Lymph Node(s) with Tumor (if applicable) #: ____________________________

# Note: Information should include location and laterality of sentinel or non-sentinel regional lymph nodes with tumor.

Additional Lymph Node Findings

___ None identified

___ Extranodal extension

___ Fixed/ulcerated nodes

Other (specify): _______________

Cannot be determined (explain): ____________________________

Pathologic stage classification (pTNM, AJCC 8th ed.)....... pT__N__M__




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