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Response Options to "Tumor site"

___ Glans

___ Foreskin mucosal surface

___ Foreskin skin surface

___ Coronal sulcus  (balanopreputial sulcus)

___ Skin of the shaft

___ Penile urethra

Response Options to " tumor extension"

Anatomical Levels  In the glans:

___ Tumor involves subepithelial connective tissue (lamina propria)

___ Tumor involves corpus spongiosum

___ Tumor involves tunica albuginea

___ Tumor involves corpus cavernosum ___ Not applicable  In the coronal sulcus:

___ Tumor involves subepithelial connective tissue (lamina propria)

___ Tumor involves dartos

___ Tumor involves Bucks fascia ___ Not applicable In the foreskin:

___ Tumor involves subepithelial connective tissue (lamina propria)

___ Tumor involves dartos

___ Tumor involves preputial skin ___ Not applicable In the shaft:

___ Tumor involves skin

___ Tumor involves dartos

___ Tumor involves Bucks fascia

___ Tumor involves corpus spongiosum

___ Tumor involves corpus cavernosum

___ Not applicable

Other Extension

___ Penile (distal) urethra 

___ Proximal urethra

___ Prostate

___ Scrotum

___ Regional skin (pubis, inguinal)



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