* Response Options to "Histologic Type"
___ Epithelioid mesothelioma
___ Sarcomatoid mesothelioma
___ Biphasic mesothelioma
___ Desmoplastic mesothelioma
___ Other (specify): ______________
** Response Options to "Tumor Extension" (list all that apply)
___ Parietal pleura without involvement of ipsilateral visceral pleura
___ Parietal pleura with focal involvement of ipsilateral visceral pleura
___ Confluent visceral pleural tumor (including fissure)
___ Into but not through diaphragm
___ Lung parenchyma
___ Endothoracic fascia
___ Into mediastinal fat
___ Solitary focus invading soft tissue of the chest wall
___ Diffuse or multiple foci invading soft tissue of chest wall
___ Into but not through the pericardium
___ Rib(s)
___ Mediastinal organ(s) (specify): ____________
___ Other (specify): ____________