Staging (Pleural Mesothelioma)                                        
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Pathologic Stage Classification (pTNM, AJCC 8th edition)  CAP Approved Pleural Mesothelioma  

TNM Descriptors (required only if applicable) (select all that apply) 

___ r (recurrent)  ___ y (posttreatment)  Primary Tumor (pT) 

___ pTX: Primary tumor cannot be assessed  ___ pT0: No evidence of primary tumor 

___ pT1: Tumor limited to the ipsilateral parietal pleura with or without involvement of:  • visceral pleura  • mediastinal pleura  • diaphragmatic pleura 

___ pT2: Tumor involving each of the ipsilateral pleural surfaces (parietal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, and visceral pleura) with at least one of the following features:  • involvement of diaphragmatic muscle  • extension of tumor from visceral pleura into the underlying pulmonary parenchyma 

___ pT3: Describes locally advanced but potentially resectable tumor Tumor involving all the ipsilateral pleural surfaces (parietal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, and visceral pleura) with at least one of the following features:  • involvement of the endothoracic fascia  • extension into the mediastinal fat  • solitary, completely resectable focus of tumor extending into the soft tissues of the chest wall  • nontransmural involvement of the pericardium 

___ pT4: Describes locally advanced technically unresectable tumor  Tumor involving all the ipsilateral pleural surfaces (parietal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, and visceral pleura) with at least one of the following features:  • diffuse extension or multifocal masses of tumor in the chest wall, with or without associated rib destruction  • direct transdiaphragmatic extension of tumor to the peritoneum  • direct extension of tumor to the contralateral pleura  • direct extension of tumor to mediastinal organs  • direct extension of tumor into the spine  • tumor extending through to the internal surface of the pericardium with or without a pericardial effusion; or tumor involving the myocardium 

Regional Lymph Nodes (pN) 

___ pNX: Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed 

___ pN0: No regional lymph node metastases 

___ pN1: Metastases in the ipsilateral bronchopulmonary hilar or mediastinal (including the internal mammary, peridiaphragmatic, pericardial fat pad, or intercostal) lymph nodes 

___ pN2: Metastases in the contralateral mediastinal, ipsilateral, or contralateral supraclavicular lymph nodes  Distant Metastasis (pM) (required only if confirmed pathologically in this case) 

___ pM1: Distant metastasis present  Specify site(s), if known: ____________________________

Summary of changes AJCC 7th to 8th Edition

- pT1 no longer subdivided into pT1a and pT1b

- removal of specimen integrity



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