Pathologic Staging (pTNM) CAP Approved Endocrine • Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Stomach (AJCC 8th ed.)
TNM Descriptors (required only if applicable) (select all that apply)
___ m (multiple primary tumors)
___ r (recurrent)
___ y (posttreatment)
Primary Tumor (pT)
___ pTX: Primary tumor cannot be assessed
___ pT0: No evidence of primary tumor
___ pT1#: Tumor invades the lamina propria or submucosa and is = 1 cm in
___ pT2#: Tumor invades the muscularis propria or is greater than 1 cm in size
___ pT3#: Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into subserosal tissue without penetration of overlying serosa
___ pT4#: Tumor invades visceral peritoneum (serosa) or other organs or adjacent structures
# Note: For any T, add (m) for multiple tumors [TX(#) or TX(m), where X = 1–4 and # = number of primary tumors identified##]; for multiple tumors with different Ts, use the highest. ## Example: If there are 2 primary tumors, 1 of which penetrates only the subserosa, we define the primary tumor as either T3(2) or T3(m).
Regional Lymph Nodes (pN)
___ pNX: Cannot be assessed
___ pN0: No regional lymph node metastasis
___ pN1: Metastasis in regional lymph nodes
Distant Metastasis (pM)
___ Not applicable
___ pM1: Distant metastasis
___ pM1a: Metastasis confined to liver
___ pM1b: Metastasis in at least one extrahepatic site (eg, lung, ovary, nonregional lymph node, peritoneum, bone)
___ pM1c: Both hepatic and extrahepatic metastases (Specify site(s), if known)
Stomach NET – BH- CAP summary of pTNM changes AJCC 7th to 8th edition
- pTis is removed from pTNM staging
- M1 is subcategorized into 3 categories (M1a is metastasis confined to the liver, M1b is metastasis in at least one extrahepatic site and M1c is defined as both hepatic and extrahepatic metastasis)