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Thyroid (STHYR)

- For resection specimens with carcinomas of the thyroid gland. Lymphomas, sarcomas and metastases are not included.

Specimen and Surgical Procedure

Specimen, laterality, procedure....................................................

(if the specimen includes isthmus and/or a neck dissection, this MUST be specified)


Tumor focality........................................................................ unifocal/multifocal (if multifocal  MUST specify whether the foci are ipsilateral, bilateral or midline)

Tumor site....................................................................................____

Tumor size................................................................................... ___cm

Histologic type*(MUST include subtype from list below).....................................

Angioinvasion(vascular invasion) Not  identified/Present/Absent..................................... 

       Extent  (if present)............... focal (<4 vessels)/extensive (4 vessels)

Lymphatic invasion (Not identified/Present/Cannot be determined)………………….        

Extrathyroidal extension**

___ Not identified

___ Present (MUST choose from below)

                               Extent (requires clinical/macroscopic AND microscopic tumor invasion):

                               ___Invading only strap muscles (ie, pT3b)

___ Invading subcutaneous soft tissues, larynx, trachea, esophagus or recurrent laryngeal nerve (ie, pT4a)

___Invading prevertebral fascia or encasing the carotid artery or mediastinal vessels (ie, pT4b)

___ Cannot be determined

Final margins .......................................................(Cannot Assess/Involved/Uninvolved)

Lymph Nodes

Specify nodal levels examined*** (level VI, level VII, level  I-V , other) …………………….

Number of lymph nodes examined (if cant be determined explain, i.e. matted nodes)….......... __

Number of lymph nodes involved......................................................... __

Specify nodal levels of lymph nodes involved*** ………………………………….

Size of Largest Metastatic Deposit:……………………………………………………..……___ cm

Extranodal Extension…………………………………. Not identified/Present/Cannot be determined

Pathologic stage (AJCC 8th ed.)................................................. pT__N__M__




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